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Writer's pictureDeb Banning

List of Perth Hydropools - Get Hydrotherapy Near You!

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

The Body Agility team have researched and developed a list of hydrotherapy pools (and leisure pools) across Perth to make life easier for you! The list is complete with details relating to the facilities and resources that you may need (ie: hoist, ramps, etc).

Body Agility provides hydrotherapy services right across Perth, Western Australia! One of our highly qualified Exercise Physiologists or Physiotherapists can create a Hydrotherapy Exercise Plan, tailored to your needs and then deliver hydrotherapy at a hydropool near you.

What is Hydrotherapy and How is it Beneficial?

Hydrotherapy can be used for disability management, chronic disease treatment, pain management, injury rehabilitation and strength training. If you are seeking a natural drug-free pain management approach, have joint issues, weight issues, risk of falls, are recovering from an injury, are in a wheelchair, are unable to stand or have difficulty walking, have injuries or reduced range of motion, then hydrotherapy may be an excellent and safe solution for you. Please contact us to learn more.

Please read our blog article titled 'What is Hydrotherapy and What are the Benefits of Hydrotherapy?' for a complete list of all the benefits of hydrotherapy and an explanation of the different types of hydrotherapy available.

Where Can Hydrotherapy Be Delivered?

Across Perth, specially designed and heated hydrotherapy pools can be found at certain local council aquatic and recreation centres including (but not limited to):

  • Aqualife Aquatic Centre in East Victoria Park,

  • Armadale Fitness and Aquatic Centre,

  • Bayswater Waves

  • some large sports injury treatment centres and large gyms.

Across Perth, cold water and heated pools including walking lap lanes are also available at a number of local council aquatic and recreation centres including (but not limited to):

  • AquaLife Centre in East Victoria Park,

  • Armadale Fitness and Aquatic Centre,

  • Beatty Park Leisure Centre in North Perth,

  • Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre,

  • Claremont Aquatic Centre,

  • Fremantle Leisure Centre,

  • Joondalup HBF Arena,

  • Leisure Park Balga

  • Swan Park Leisure Centre, Midvale,

  • Terry Tyzak Aquatic Centre, Inglewood,

  • and also at many large gyms.

Personalised Treatment Aligned to Achieving Your Goals

Body Agility is a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) registered provider and can deliver hydrotherapy in warm and accessible hydropools across Perth. If you or someone you care about could benefit from hydrotherapy, contact us to discuss further.

We have capacity to provide services to you immediately, right across the broader Perth region with home visits, or with hydrotherapy delivered at a hydropool near you. We'd be delighted to hear from you. We will take the time to understand your goals and what you'd like to achieve as part of a personalised Hydrotherapy Exercise Plan, tailored to suit your unique situation.

If you would like hydrotherapy, please contact us to discuss further or call us on 08 6373 5063.

Research sources:


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